Task Priority Levels Tutorial
Need to quickly communicate how important a Task is to a peer or member of your team? ProTasker does all that for you with Task Priority Levels. Check it out!
Click on the Edit Account link and then Task Priority Levels from the left navigation.
Here we see our preloaded priority levels. To change an existing level, click on the title and update the text. We can even change the color associated with the priority. Click Save and we’ll see our update.
The green check means that normal is the default priority for all new Tasks. To change the default, click on any other priority, check the default box and click Save.
To add new priorities, click the Add New button. We’ll fill out our form with a new priority “Drop everything and do this now!” (Some of you know that this will probably be your default priority.) We’ll make this pink and then click Save.
It’s simple to manage client expectations and employee work flow through ProTasker’s Task priority levels.