Choosing Your Project Management Software Solution
Organization is a hard thing to keep maintained, but is even harder to start. With some people and companies it is easy to see which step needs to be taken first, but with others the order is irrelevant and it comes down to which is the most time consuming and how much can realistically be completed in one day. This is especially true when it comes to setting up project management software.
When choosing a project management software program it is important to take into consideration your particular business venture’s needs before making a final decision. While some programs may be an extremely good value, they may not contain even half of the features that you need to be successful. The same goes for ones that contain all the bells and whistles; they also tend to have a price tag to go with it, which could very well be out of your budget.
Client Management and Project Management Software
Client management is another important feature associated with project management software. It acts as a sort of address book for all of your clients but in a much more organized and detailed fashion. It is also generally one of the standard elements that is found in virtually all types of organizational software. Some programs only have very simplified versions that just allow you to input basic details about the client; their business name, contact information and probably an area for ‘notes’. Other project management software solutions allow for a large number of details to be provided for each customer, including any projects that are currently being completed for them and link to access the details of them.
If you belong to a large corporation, or even a small business that has more than a handful of clients and employees, then you are probably going to need the version with more details. Clients are often assigned to particular employees that will handle their accounts exclusively. It is not uncommon to find that these employees are able to differentiate between them without referring to any type of existing notations either in the computer or located elsewhere. However there may also be a time when that employee is unavailable or out of the office and a client is in need of immediate service. If that is the case whoever the secondary contact is will need to access information about the client quickly and easily.
Project Management Software that Shines
This is where the project management software can really shine. You can search by project, deadlines, client name and several other fields, and since all are linked by a simple click of the mouse you can switch to different areas quite easily. If you are trying to give a quick estimate to them about a potential project you can also look for other projects you have completed for them or for other projects that may share similar qualities or details.
If you are just starting out and want the more detailed options but don’t have the budget quite yet then you should look for a version that is upgradable at a later date. Anything that offers no sort of annual contract is also a plus.